Cogut Institute for the Humanities

2023-24 Fellows Seminar

Discover the extraordinary diversity and vitality of the 2023–24 fellow’s research through a pair of “Meet the Fellows” webinars in which they introduce their projects.

  • Portrait photo of Aliyyah I. Abdur-Rahman

    Aliyyah I. Abdur-Rahman

    Fall 2023 Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor of American Studies and English
    Project: “Critical Race Theory and the Politics of Literary Form”
  • Portrait photo of Faiz Ahmed

    Faiz Ahmed

    Spring 2024 Faculty Fellow, Joukowsky Family Distinguished Associate Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History
    Project: “America in the Ottoman Gaze: The Late Ottoman Empire and the Early United States, 1730–1923”
  • Portrait photo of Maru Attwood

    Maru Attwood

    2023–24 Undergraduate Fellow, concentrator in History
    Project: “Footpaths and Fences: A Spatial History of Nsikazi, South Africa”
  • photo of Michael Berman

    Michael Berman

    2022–24 Postdoctoral Fellow in International Humanities in the Department of Anthropology and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities
    Project: “Heart of a Heartless World: Alienation, Compassion, and Listening in the Making of Secularist Japan”
  • Portrait photo of Devon Clifton

    Devon Clifton

    2023–24 Graduate Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate in English
    Project: “Psychoanalytics: Towards a Black Object Study”
  • photo of Maro Dotulong

    Manimporok (Maro) Dotulong

    2022–24 Postdoctoral Fellow in International Humanities in the Department of East Asian Studies and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities
    Project: “Oceans of the Free: East- and Southeast Asian Transnational Relations in the Arafura Zone, 1880s-1960s”
  • Portrait photo of Brianna Eaton

    Brianna Eaton

    2023–24 Graduate Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate in Africana Studies
    Project: “Everywhere Black Folks Went: Examining Transnational Diasporic Dialogues in Media”
  • Portrait Photo of Christopher Grasso

    Christopher Grasso

    Spring 2024 Faculty Fellow, Professor of History
    Project: “The Chisolm Massacre: Reconstruction and the Politics of Violence”
  • photo of Eric Johnson

    Eric Johnson

    2022–24 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History of Art and Architecture and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities.
    Project: “Epistemologies of Recognition: Indigenous Stonework and Archaeological Heritage in the Northeast”
  • Portrait photo of Lucia Kan-Sperling

    Lucia Kan-Sperling

    2023–24 Undergraduate Fellow, Concentrator in Modern Culture and Media and English
    Project: “Reading Digitally: Technology, Language, and the Poetics of Digital Subjectivity”
  • Portrait photo of James Langan

    James Langan

    2023–24 Undergraduate Fellow, Concentrator in Comparative Literature
    Project: “Rereading Modernity: Specters of Cannibalism in the Caribbean Avant-Garde”
  • Portrait photo of Jessaca Leinaweaver

    Jessaca Leinaweaver

    Spring 2024 Faculty Fellow, Professor of Anthropology, Chair of Anthropology
    Project: “Familiar Figures: Counting Children, Discounting Kin”
  • Portrait photo of Itamar Levin

    Itamar Levin

    2023–24 Graduate Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate in Classics
    Project: “Cenotaphs and the Politics of Commemoration: Civic Ideology in the Greek Polis”
  • Portrait photo of Andrew Lu

    Andrew Lu

    2023–24 Undergraduate Fellow, Concentrator in Comparative Literature and History of Art and Architecture
    Project: “Devouring Stone: Rethinking the Monstrous in Romanesque Monastic Sculpture”
  • Portrait of Damien Mahiet

    Damien Mahiet

    Director of Academic Programs at the Cogut Institute, Lecturer in Humanities
  • Portrait photo of Ambra Marzocchi

    Ambra Marzocchi

    2023–25 International Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Classics and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities
    Project: “Latin Textbooks in Colonial Mexico”
  • Portrait photo of Katherine A. Mason

    Katherine A. Mason

    Spring 2024 Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor of Anthropology
    Project: “Journaling the Pandemic: A Grassroots Collaborative Ethnography of COVID-19”
  • Portrait of Adi Ophir

    Adi Ophir

    Visiting Professor of Humanities and Middle East Studies
  • Portrait photo of Eleanor Paynter

    Eleanor Paynter

    2023–24 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Italian Studies and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities
    Project: “Up/Rooted: Migrant Farmwork and the Production of the Citizen”
  • Portrait photo of Goutam Piduri

    Goutam Piduri

    2023–24 Graduate Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate in English
    Project: “Owning Renunciation: Studies in the Authority of Non-possession”
  • Portrait photo of Sebastián Antezana Quiroga

    Sebastián Antezana Quiroga

    2023–25 International Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Hispanic Studies and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities
    Project: “Migrant Afterlives: Spectral Narratives of Greater Mexico and Greater Bolivia”
  • Portrait Photo of Ravit Reichmann

    Ravit Reichman

    Fall 2023 Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor of English
    Project: “Possessive Cases: The Propertied Imagination in Modern Times”
  • photo of Hannah Silverblank

    Hannah Rose Silverblank

    2022–24 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Departments of Classics and Comparative Literature and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities
    Project: “Listening to the Monster in Greek Poetry”
  • Portrait photo of Peter Szendy

    Peter Szendy

    2023–24 Seminar Leader, David Herlihy University Professor of Comparative Literature and the Humanities
  • Portrait photo of Grace Xiao

    Grace Xiao

    2023–24 Undergraduate Fellow, Concentrator in History of Art and Architecture
    Project: “(Dis)location, Diaspora, and the Camera Image: Contemporary Women Artists of the South Asian Diaspora”