Cogut Institute for the Humanities
Sam Coren
2022–23 Graduate Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies
“Watershed Metropolis: A Partial History of the Providence River and Its Lifeworlds”
Last updated
June 20, 2023, based on June 2022 biographical sketch
Sam Coren (they, them) is a writer, public scholar, and creative practitioner whose research focuses on socio-ecological assemblages in the urban United States. They have written for academic and popular outlets including Contingent Magazine, Doors Open RI, The Journal of Planning History, and Flux (2023). They have also exhibited as a research-based artist exploring the afterlives of industrial landscapes. As a PhD candidate in American Studies, Sam is currently working on a dissertation titled Watershed Metropolis: The Providence River and its Lifeworlds.
Meet the Fellows Talk
“Lifeworlds of the Providence River”