Emily Lim Rogers
Emily Lim Rogers is a fall 2021–spring 2023 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Disability Studies in the Department of American Studies and the Science, Technology, and Society Program, and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities. She has published and has forthcoming articles in Medical Anthropology Quarterly and Osiris, and is a contributor to the forthcoming volumes Crip Authorship (NYU Press, 2022) and How to Be Disabled in a Pandemic (NYU Press). Her research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of STS, disability studies, gender and sexuality studies, medical anthropology, and the history of capitalism. Her book project is called “Biomedicine’s Binds: ME/CFS, Patient Activism, and the Work of Debility.” It examines how biomedicine creates double-binds for people with ME/CFS: they live “in a bind” in the context of a condition without cure or sociomedical support, while also forming community in debilitated bodies, the ties that binds them together.
In 2021–2022, Emily published an article in Medical Anthropology Quarterly. She and Debbie Weinstein, director of the Program in Science, Technology, and Society, developed a symposium at Brown titled “Health, Sexuality, and Biomedical Knowledge.” Emily gave a talk in the “What I Am Thinking About Now” series at Brown’s Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America and was the keynote speaker at a student of color leadership conference at Brown. She also gave talks at UCSC’s quarterly anthropology colloquium and at a symposium at the University of Oxford.
With Leon Hilton, she has formed the Disability Studies Working Group at Brown. The group will host a number of events for during 2022–23 and aims to build intellectual community in disability studies across the university.
Read an interview about her research in The Humanities in Practice.
Meet the Fellows Talk
The Incomplete Medicalization of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome