Cogut Institute for the Humanities
Deadline January 17, 2025
Tags For Graduate Students Fellowships

Cogut Institute Graduate Fellowship

Funding Opportunity

The Cogut Institute for the Humanities sponsors year-long research fellowships for Brown University doctoral students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.

Graduate fellows participate actively in the institute's weekly research seminar and other events, receive office space at the institute, and are relieved of teaching duties in their department. The fellowship provides an enhanced context for doctoral scholarship, including the presentation of work-in-progress and the benefits of critique from an exciting group of faculty fellows, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting faculty. The fellowship does not extend the student's funding clock.


Students currently in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th year of their doctoral program may apply to hold the fellowship in their 4th, 5th, or 6th year, respectively. Doctoral students must have advanced to candidacy by the start of the fellowship. If you have already advanced to candidacy or if you plan to advance to candidacy before the start of the fellowship, you are eligible and encouraged to apply.


Applications for the 2025–2026 Cogut Institute Graduate Fellowship are closed. Information for the next application cycle is forthcoming.

You must be logged into your Brown University email account to access the application form. Applicants should submit:

  1. A 250-word abstract of your dissertation project.
  2. A statement, in no more than 1,000 words, outlining your schedule of progress and completion for the dissertation and addressing how your research would benefit from and contribute to a collective seminar experience among scholars in the humanities.
  3. A CV
  4. A short writing sample (15-20 pages).

Letters of Recommendation and DGS Statement

In addition to submitting the application form, you should request:

  1. Two letters of recommendation, one of which must come from your principal dissertation advisor.
  2. A letter of good standing and support from your department’s director of graduate studies.

Faculty should email letters separately to

Applications are reviewed by the governing board of the Cogut Institute.


Questions? Please email
