Cogut Institute for the Humanities

Political Concepts: Video Lexicon


Abiura (Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg, 2015) • Academic Freedom (Akeel Bilgrami, 2017) • Adjacency (Tina Campt, 2019) • Agency (Sharon Krause, 2015) • Anthropological (Bruce Robbins, 2016) • Aporia (Rolland Murray, 2023) • Appropriationism (Emily Apter, 2023)


Blood (David Wills, 2015) • Bondage (James Kuzner, 2015) • Border (Stathis Gourgouris, 2016)


Care (Rebecca Nedostup, 2024) • Character (Amanda Anderson, 2015) • Choreography (Jasmine Johnston, 2019) • Cinematic (Philip Rosen, 2015) • Civilian (Vazira Zamindar, 2022) • Collecting (Christopher Yates, 2021) • Concept (Étienne Balibar, 2016) • Concept (ii) (Adi Ophir, 2013) • Contingency (Poulomi Saha, 2019) • Contre/Counter (Bernard Harcourt, 2016) • Conversion (Monique David-Ménard, 2016) • Cooperation (David Frank, 2022) • Copresence (Deborah Frempong, 2021) • Corporatized Knowledge (Peter Galison and Noah Feldman, 2018) • Cosmos (Mohamed Amer Meziane, 2024) • Cosmotechnics (Paula Gaetano-Adi) • Counting (Zachary Sng, 2022) • Cycle (Markus Berger, 2024)


Database (Stephanie Dick, 2018) • Debt (Patricia Ybarra, 2019) • Demonization (Nathaniel Berman, 2013) • Desert (Branka Arsic, 2015) • Destituence (Leon Hilton, 2022) • Dialogue (Amanda Anderson, 2023) • Diaspora/e (Banu Subramaniam, 2018) • Disappearance (Joan Cocks, 2015) • Disobedience (Anthony Bogues, 2017) • Disruption (Benjamin Parker, 2017) • Dormancy (Thangam Ravindranathan, 2024)


Earthly Politics (Sharon Krause, 2024) • Ecstasy (Stephen Bush, 2015) • Education (Christopher Roberts, 2024) • Elephant (Thangam Ravindranathan, 2019) • Elliptical Ontology (Tyler Grand Pre, 2021) • Entrepreneurial Science (Yarden Katz, 2018) • Environment (Etienne Benson, 2018) • Equaliberty (Emily Apter, 2016) • Equality (Ainsley LeSure, 2019) • Errata (Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, 2019) • Exploitation (Étienne Balibar, 2013) • Exposure (Erin Graff Zivin, 2023)


Formation (Thomas Lewis, 2015) • Free Indirect (Timothy Bewes, 2015) • Future (Joanna Radin, 2018)


Gesture (Rebecca Schneider, 2015) • Greatness (Bruce Robbins, 2023)


Hegemony (Brian Meeks, 2017) • History (Jason Stanley, 2024) • Homo Geoeconomicus (Tamara Chin, 2018) • Horror (A. Kiarina Kordela, 2013) • Human Rights (Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, 2013)


Impairment (Mara Mills, 2018) • Imperception (Alex Moskowitz, 2023) • Impoverished Morphemes (Masako Fidler, 2022) • Impunity (Zahid R. Chaudhary, 2017) • Incoherence (Timothy Bewes, 2023) • Indeterminacy (Anna Bialek, 2015) • Indolence (Dixa Ramírez D’Oleo, 2019) • Inheritance (Gerhard Richter, 2015) • Interior Frontier (Ann Stoler, 2016) • Investee (Michel Feher, 2016)


Katechon (Peter Szendy, 2015) • Kenosis (Scott Jackshaw, 2021)


Listening (Stathis Gourgouris, 2024) • Literature (John Cayley, 2023) • Loss (Juliet Hooker, 2022) • Love (Nick Mirzoeff, 2017) • Lyricism (Michael Sawyer, 2023)


Materialism (Patrice Maniglier, 2016) • Migrant (Lisa Lowe, 2017) • Minority (Vazira Zamindar, 2015) • Missing (Thangam Ravindranathan, 2015) • Mother (Imani Perry, 2019)


Nature (Lukas Rieppel, 2015)


Occupation (Jacques Rancière, 2015) • Occupation (Keisha-Khan Y. Perry, 2019) • Organization (Lukas Rieppel, 2015) • Originary Technicity (Talha Issevenler and Sandra Moyano-Ariza, 2021) • Othukkuka/Othukkam (Dilip M. Menon, 2024)


Peer Review (Alex Csiszar, 2018) • Performative (Bonnie Honig, 2023) • Populism (Federico Finchelstein, 2013) • Political (Adi Ophir, 2016) • Possession (Joanna Howard, 2015) • Practice/Praxis (Rebecca Nedostup, 2018) • Progress (Siraj Ahmed Sindhu, 2021) • Property (William Keach, 2015) • Publicity (James Schmidt, 2015) • Punishment (Didier Fassin, 2016)


Race (Charles Mills, 2016) • Race (Suman Seth, 2018) • Raison d’État (Kevin McLaughlin, 2013) • Reading (John Cayley, 2017) • Reality (Elizabeth Weed, 2015) • Reclamation (Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg, 2015) • Ree-lay-shun-ship (Leela Gandhi, 2023) • Regard (Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman, 2019) • Region (Beshara Doumani, 2015) • Relation (Jacques Lezra, 2016) • Relationlessness (Michael Berman, 2024) • Religion (Judith Butler, 2016) • Remains (Yannis Hamilakis, 2022) • Repair (Avishek Ganguly, 2022) • Resilience (Bonnie Honig, 2013) • Resurgence (Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, 2019) • Retrograde (Rose Rowson, 2021) • Right (Jay Bernstein, 2016)


Sacrifice (Michael Sawyer, 2015) • Salah (Tanvir Akhtar Ahmed, 2021) • Scala Naturae (Iris Montero, 2018) • Schwarz-Sein (Alexander Weheliye, 2024) • Scientific Progress (Raphael Sassower, 2018) • Scientism (Barbara Hernnstein Smith, 2018) • Scrap (Hannah Freed-Thall, 2023) • Shibboleth (Marc Redfield, 2015) • Snail Cinema (Ada Smailbegović, 2024) • Solidarity (Gary Wilder, 2016) • Soverignty (Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, 2015) • Spontaneity (Maya Kronfeld, 2023) • Statelessness (Andreas Kalyvas, 2013) • Strike (Alex Gourevitch, 2015) • Structural Adjustment (Justin A. Lang, 2021) • Stylized Facts (Dan Hirschman, 2018) • Subject (Peter Osborne, 2016) • Swarming (Harper Shalloe, 2021) • System (Edward Dioguardi, 2021)


Technicity (Talha Issevenler and Sandra Moyano-Ariza, 2021) • Television (Lynne Joyrich, 2017) • Term (Thomas Schestag, 2022) • Tidalectics (Macarena Gómez-Barris, 2024) • Transition (Vered Engelhard, 2021) • Transparency (Sarah Guindani, 2017) • Transspecies Imaginaries (Gabriele Schwab, 2023) • Trees (Eduardo Cadava, 2013) • Triumph (Jacques Khalip, 2015) • Trope (Ellen Rooney, 2016) • Trump (Joan Scott, 2017)


Unthinkable (Lynne Joyrich, 2022) • User Democracy (Irina Kalinka, 2021)


Value (Kaushik Sunder Rajan, 2018) • Violence (Emily Owens, 2019)


Waiting (Vazira Zamindar, 2019) • Wall (Jinying Li, 2022) • Water (Françoise Vergès, 2017) • Wildness (Jack Halberstam, 2017)