Funding Opportunity
The New England Humanities Consortium (NEHC), of which the Cogut Institute is a member, is offering competitive seed grants for research initiatives in the humanities that seek to capitalize on the collaborative network and potential of the consortium. Applications seeking to sustain, and build on, previously funded NEHC initiatives that demonstrated success are also welcome. Awards of up to $5,000 will be made.
The New England Humanities Consortium (NEHC) promotes and strengthens intellectual collaboration, interdisciplinary exchange, and innovative educational, intercultural, and curricular programming among New England Humanities centers and institutes, and the faculty, students, and regional, national, and global communities they serve.
Priority will be given to applications demonstrating concrete plans for consortium membership involvement. Such involvement can take different forms, but will typically involve, e.g. direct collaboration between two or more member institutions and/or active solicitation of faculty, staff, or students exclusively from member institutions. Applications seeking to sustain, and build on, previously funded NEHC initiatives that demonstrated success are also welcome. Potential areas of funding interest include the following (this list is by no means exhaustive):
- Collaborative research projects
- Public humanities programming
- Programming with state humanities councils
- Programming reflecting the humanities and the pandemic
- Summer seminars
- Study, writing, or working groups
- Shared speakers across institutions
- Collaborative course design
- Exhibitions and public performances